
GuppiesarethefirstbreedoffishintroducedinInsaniquarium!Deluxe.Guppieshavethreeregularstagesofgrowth:baby,mediumandlarge.Aguppymay ...VerySpecialDiet·Nostradamus·Breeder·Carnivore,GuppyGuppiesarethebasicfishyoustartoutwith.Theyeatregularfoodandhas4stages:baby,medium,large,andking.Theywillgraduallygrow, ...,Colouredguppieswillnevertransformintokingguppies(presumably,soyoucankeepthecolour).Thebes...

Guppy | Insaniquarium Wiki

Guppies are the first breed of fish introduced in Insaniquarium! Deluxe. Guppies have three regular stages of growth: baby, medium and large. A guppy may ... Very Special Diet · Nostradamus · Breeder · Carnivore

Guppy - Insaniquarium Deluxe Wiki

Guppy Guppies are the basic fish you start out with. They eat regular food and has 4 stages: baby, medium, large, and king. They will gradually grow, ...

King Guppy? :

Coloured guppies will never transform into king guppies (presumably, so you can keep the colour). The best king guppy is the one you get from a breeder, which ...

King Guppy? :: Insaniquarium! Deluxe 综合讨论

Coloured guppies will never transform into king guppies (presumably, so you can keep the colour). The best king guppy is the one you get from a ...

Save 80% on Insaniquarium Deluxe on Steam

評分 10/10 (5,321) · US$0.99 Insaniquarium Deluxe is the craziest aquarium game ever - tend to your fish and keep them happy and they'll reward you with precious coins and jewels.

Are you not able to have two King Guppies in the Virtual Tank? I've ...

Guppies that are born from Breeders are coded to never become King Guppies. ... It takes 30 days to cultivate a king fish. That is only if you ...

Diamond Guppies.... : rInsaniquarium

It takes around 40 days in average, could be more or less, sometimes your fish doesn't even turn into a King guppy at all, still not sure why.

PC Computer - Insaniquarium Deluxe

PC / Computer - Insaniquarium Deluxe - King Guppy - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!

養魚遊戲豪華版瘋狂水族箱虛擬魚缸聖誕魚Insaniquarium Deluxe ...

... 箱虛擬魚缸聖誕魚Insaniquarium Deluxe VIRTUAL TANK SANTA Guppy クレイジーアクアリウム#サンタ인사니쿠아리움 魔女悠莉#聖誕節#サンタさん#クリスマス.

Speedrunning a King Guppy in Insaniquarium

Slow and steady wins the race. RNG Setup: - Launch game - Click mermaid (x2) - Adventure and pick Blip/Presto/Rufus/Seymour.